You're in Good Company

Navigating your career path and leadership development is hard. And it can be really lonely.

You may wonder if you're the only one facing the challenges before you...

...the only one losing sleep over the stresses of being a manager caught in the middle of the higher ups and your direct reports...

...the only one dealing with a toxic boss that makes you question whether you're putting up with abuse or you’re just not tough enough...

...the only one who is feeling lost and directionless because your career path is full of twists and turns and you're terrified of choosing the wrong next step...

...but I've got a bird's eye view, and I hear from a lot of clients who feel the same way.

I'm here to tell you this: You are not alone.

Here are just some of the issues that came up with my clients this week. Maybe you're facing one, too, and you think you're the only one:

After 20 years as a senior leader and innovator in their organization, my client was put on a disciplinary plan for insubordination. They're in good company! Some of the most impactful community leaders I know have also been subject to corrective action, and it has no bearing on their value or competence—it's the product of a work environment/leadership that is misaligned with who they are, what they stand for, and what they bring to the table.

--> They were comforted to have a larger perspective on fitting in with this club and emboldened to take intentional steps forward that align with their values.

Another client spent 10 years working their way up the ladder in their field only to realize they were living someone else's definition of success. They have 1,000 ideas of where to take their career next and don't know where to start. They're in good company! I hear from a lot of you who feel like your work has drifted from your sense of purpose and it's taking a toll on you emotionally and physically.

--> They were grateful for a process to bring clarity to the path ahead, and tools to reframe their skills as adaptable to many different roles and industries—so they don't have to start over from square one.

A third client was navigating the interview and negotiation process for their first job offer post-grad school. They wanted to be articulate and stand up for their value, but felt like they were going nuts trying to sort through their thoughts and get clear on how to approach those conversations. They're in good company! Who among us doesn't feel worked up when negotiating a new job offer?

--> They felt more confident after using me as a sounding board to focus their inner dialogue and create a plan to confidently advocate for themselves. 

When I told one of these clients, "You're not alone," she paused for a moment while the tears came.

That's perfectly understandable—work is personal. It is how we express ourselves and make meaning in the world; it is where we spend a huge chunk of our time; it is how many of us define our identity and our worth, for better or worse.

So I want you to know: whatever you're facing, you're not alone. The challenges of navigating the modern landscape of work are numerous—and we're in this together.

The opportunities abound, too, and my hope is that I can offer you tools to feel more confident and intentional as you move forward.

Feeling lonely as you navigate your career path? Learn more about 1:1 Strategic Career Coaching.

Carole Ann Penney, Founder

As a Career Strategist and Founder of Penney Leadership, I help mission-driven leaders navigate their work and lives with purpose and resilience.

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